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How to use dotnet format to format the whole project inside a subfolder?

I have a .Net 5 app and want to use dotnet format. First I added commitlint, husky and lint-staged to the repository. The folder structure looks like

├── package.json
└── MyCsharpProject
    ├── MyCsharpProject.sln
    └── Assembly1

The configured package.json file looks like

  "lint-staged": {
    "*.cs": "dotnet format --include"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@commitlint/cli": "^12.1.1",
    "@commitlint/config-conventional": "^12.1.1",
    "husky": "^6.0.0",
    "lint-staged": "^10.5.4"
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "husky install"

The hook fails with this output

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file -
[STARTED] Preparing...
[SUCCESS] Preparing...
[STARTED] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Running tasks for *.cs
[STARTED] dotnet format --include
[FAILED] dotnet format --include [FAILED]
[FAILED] dotnet format --include [FAILED]
[SUCCESS] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Applying modifications...
[SKIPPED] Skipped because of errors from tasks.
[STARTED] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[SUCCESS] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[STARTED] Cleaning up...
[SUCCESS] Cleaning up...

✖ dotnet format --include:
  Could not find a MSBuild project file or solution file in '/home/.../my-repository'. Specify which to use with the <workspace> argument.
husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 1 (error)

I tried to modify the dotnet command in the package.json file to

dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln

but unfortunately I get multiple errors

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file -
[STARTED] Preparing...
[SUCCESS] Preparing...
[STARTED] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Running tasks for *.cs
[STARTED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln
[FAILED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln [FAILED]
[FAILED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln [FAILED]
[SUCCESS] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Applying modifications...
[SKIPPED] Skipped because of errors from tasks.
[STARTED] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[SUCCESS] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[STARTED] Cleaning up...
[SUCCESS] Cleaning up...

✖ dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln:
Unrecognized command or argument '/home/.../my-repository/MyCsharpProject/Assembly1/SubFolder/AFile.cs'
Unrecognized command or argument '/home/.../my-repository/MyCsharpProject/Assembly1/SubFolder/BFile.cs'
Unrecognized command or argument '/home/.../my-repository/MyCsharpProject/Assembly2/AFile.cs'

What is the correct command to simply lint the whole C# project?


I tried to change this line in the package.json from

"*.cs": "dotnet format --include"


"*.cs": "dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln"

Now the pre-commit checks work fine. The only thing I'm thinking about is that when I modify a .cs file and add multiple empty lines with some tabs I get this output

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file -
[STARTED] Preparing...
[SUCCESS] Preparing...
[STARTED] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Running tasks for *.cs
[STARTED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln
[FAILED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln [FAILED]
[FAILED] dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln [FAILED]
[SUCCESS] Running tasks...
[STARTED] Applying modifications...
[SKIPPED] Skipped because of errors from tasks.
[STARTED] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[SUCCESS] Reverting to original state because of errors...
[STARTED] Cleaning up...
[SUCCESS] Cleaning up...

✖ dotnet format ./MyCsharpProject/MyCsharpProject.sln:
Unrecognized command or argument '/home/.../my-repository/MyCsharpProject/Assembly1/MyFile.cs'


  dotnet-format [options] [<workspace>]

  <workspace>  A path to a solution file, a project file, or a folder containing a solution or project file. If a path is not specified then the current directory is used. [default: ]

  --no-restore                                                             Doesn't execute an implicit restore before formatting.
  -f, --folder                                                             Whether to treat the `<workspace>` argument as a simple folder of files.
  -w, --fix-whitespace                                                     Run whitespace formatting. Run by default when not applying fixes.
  -s, --fix-style <error|info|warn>                                        Run code style analyzers and apply fixes.
  -a, --fix-analyzers <error|info|warn>                                    Run 3rd party analyzers and apply fixes.
  --diagnostics <diagnostics>                                              A space separated list of diagnostic ids to use as a filter when fixing code style or 3rd party issues. [default: ]
  --include <include>                                                      A list of relative file or folder paths to include in formatting. All files are formatted if empty. [default: ]
  --exclude <exclude>                                                      A list of relative file or folder paths to exclude from formatting. [default: ]
  --check                                                                  Formats files without saving changes to disk. Terminates with a non-zero exit code if any files were formatted.
  --report <report-path>                                                   Accepts a file path, which if provided, will produce a json report in the given directory.
  -v, --verbosity <d|detailed|diag|diagnostic|m|minimal|n|normal|q|quiet>  Set the verbosity level. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]
  --binarylog <binary-log-path>                                            Log all project or solution load information to a binary log file.
  --version                                                                Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                                           Show help and usage information

husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 1 (error)
  • Why does it say "Unrecognized command or argument" to empty lines with multiple tabs?
  • Why is the help section showing up?


  • You need to check your version of dotnet format. I the new version - v5.1.22507 the feature of format run on solution filter using - dotnet format solution.slnf.

    This will not work prior to the above version.

    please refer the github page.