My goal is to create a Regional Proposal Network (RPN) using VGG as the CNN (I'm open to suggestions of other classifiers to use in the Python Keras framework)
Almost every article I've read says something along the lines of...
Positive anchors are those that have an IoU >= 0.7 with any ground truth object, and negative anchors are those that don't cover any object by more than 0.3 IoU. Anchors in between (i.e. cover an object by IoU >= 0.3 but < 0.7) are considered neutral and excluded from training.
What if my anchor boxes don't give me an IOU of anything greater than 0.27 for an image?
How do I change the anchor boxes (or other parts of my RPN) so that I can have foreground labels?
As you can see none of the proposed regions do not have a good overlap and so I can't produce any foreground labels for the RPN. I almost need to change the anchor points, create more or shift them? I'm not sure how to do this however.
Some of the code is below
def get_iou(bb1, bb2):
Gets the Intersection Over Area, aka how much they cross over
Assumption 1: Each box is a dictionary with the following
{"x1":top left top corner x coord,"y1": top left top corner y coord,"x2": bottom right corner x coord,"y2":bottomr right corner y coord}
assert bb1['x1'] < bb1['x2']
assert bb1['y1'] < bb1['y2']
assert bb2['x1'] < bb2['x2']
assert bb2['y1'] < bb2['y2']
x_left = max(bb1['x1'], bb2['x1'])
y_top = max(bb1['y1'], bb2['y1'])
x_right = min(bb1['x2'], bb2['x2'])
y_bottom = min(bb1['y2'], bb2['y2'])
if x_right < x_left or y_bottom < y_top:
return 0.0
intersection_area = (x_right - x_left) * (y_bottom - y_top)
bb1_area = (bb1['x2'] - bb1['x1']) * (bb1['y2'] - bb1['y1'])
bb2_area = (bb2['x2'] - bb2['x1']) * (bb2['y2'] - bb2['y1'])
iou = intersection_area / float(bb1_area + bb2_area - intersection_area)
assert iou >= 0.0
assert iou <= 1.0
return iou
# Extract features
prediction_ready_img = pre_process_image_for_vgg(img)
feature_extractor_list = vggmodel.predict(prediction_ready_img)
# Get shapes of input image and features
input_image_shape = prediction_ready_img[0].shape
img_height, img_width, _ = input_image_shape
features_height, features_width, _ = feature_extractor_list[0].shape
# Find mapping from features map (output of vggmodel.predict) back to the input image
feature_to_input_x = img_width / features_width
feature_to_input_y = img_height / features_height
x_offset = feature_to_input_x/2
y_offset = feature_to_input_y/2
# For the feature map (x,y) determine input image (x,y) as array
feature_to_input_coords_x = [int(x_feature*feature_to_input_x+x_offset) for x_feature in range(features_width)]
feature_to_input_coords_y = [int(y_feature*feature_to_input_y+y_offset) for y_feature in range(features_height)]
coordinate_of_anchor_boxes = [{"x":x,"y":y} for x in feature_to_input_coords_x for y in feature_to_input_coords_y]
boxes_width_height = generate_potential_box_dimensions(config["AnchorBox"],feature_to_input_x,feature_to_input_y)
list_of_potential_boxes_for_coords = [generate_potential_boxes_for_coord(boxes_width_height,coord) for coord in coordinate_of_anchor_boxes]
potential_boxes = [box for boxes_for_coord in list_of_potential_boxes_for_coords for box in boxes_for_coord]
potential_boxes_in_img = [box for box in potential_boxes if is_box_in_image_bounds(input_image_shape,box)]
max_iou = max([get_iou(scaled_ground_truth_box,box) for box in potential_boxes_in_img])
iou_thresholds = [v/100 for v in range(100) if v%5 == 0 and v/100 < max_iou ]
for iou_threshold in iou_thresholds:
interested_boxes = [box for box in potential_boxes_in_img if get_iou(scaled_ground_truth_box,box) > iou_threshold]
print(f"IOU={iou_threshold} num boxes ={len(interested_boxes)} iou = {[ get_iou(scaled_ground_truth_box,box) for box in potential_boxes_in_img if get_iou(scaled_ground_truth_box,box) >iou_threshold]}")
wow you made it all the way to the bottom, hope you had a good read!
Turns out the answer is just get the next best proposed region, select the potential box (anchor box) that has the highest IOU with ground truth.
# We assign a positive label to two kinds of anchors: (i) the # anchor/anchors with the highest Intersection-overUnion # (IoU) overlap with a ground-truth box, or (ii) an # anchor that has an IoU overlap higher than 0.7 with any gt boxes
def get_foreground_and_background_labels(scaled_ground_truth_box,potential_boxes_in_img,label_set_size=256,background_iou_thresh=0.0,foreground_iou_thresh=0.7):
Gets a set of labelled foreground and background boxes
First, loops through all the potential boxes in the image and checks if the IOU is greater or equal to the threshold
it labels these as foreground
Second, checks to see if there were any potential boxes that had an IOU greater or equal to the threshold.
If none were detected, it finds the next best option with max IOU
If there are still no foreground labels an error is raised
Third, adds background labels which have an IOU of less than or equal to background_iou_thresh up to the label_set_size
Assumption 1: background_iou_thresh will be a float between 0 - 1
background regions will be those will an IOU less than background_iou_thresh
Assumption 2: foreground_iou_thresh will be a float between 0 - 1
foreground regions will be those will an IOU more than foreground_iou_thresh
Assumption 3: If there are no proposed regions with an IOU with the ground truth above foreground_iou_thresh
then the next best option is taken as long as the IOU is above 0.
Assumption 4: There is only one object per image, aka only 1 ground truth box per image
# Make computation faster by using list comprehension
iou_box_with_gtruth = [get_iou(scaled_ground_truth_box,box) for box in potential_boxes_in_img]
# Generate foreground aka object labels from thresholds, stop after label_set_size/2
foreground_box_labels = []
for index, potential_box in enumerate(potential_boxes_in_img):
if iou_box_with_gtruth[index] >= foreground_iou_thresh:
if len(foreground_box_labels) > label_set_size/2:
# If no potential above IOU threshold then pick the next best thing
# This was likely to happen in my dataset
if len(foreground_box_labels) == 0:
index_of_box_with_max_iou = [index for index, iou in enumerate(iou_box_with_gtruth) if iou == max(iou_box_with_gtruth)][0]
assert index_of_box_with_max_iou != 0 # Raise error if this happens
best_potential_box = potential_boxes_in_img[index_of_box_with_max_iou]
# Generate background aka not object labels from thresholds
background_box_labels = []
for index, potential_box in enumerate(potential_boxes_in_img):
if iou_box_with_gtruth[index] <= background_iou_thresh:
if len(background_box_labels) + len(foreground_box_labels) >= label_set_size:
return foreground_box_labels, background_box_labels