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How to organize models in Sinatra?

I have a tirable orgnizing my Models in a Sinatra project.

Let's say I have 2 models: Post and Comment, nn Post model, I have to call Comment model. And now I have <class:Post>': uninitialized constant Comment (NameError).

I know its an issue in ordering the requiring for the models, but what about if I have lots of models? What's the Rails way in requiring models, etc.?


I use this code to auto_load my models in Sinatra/Rack/Grape applications. This code should be at the top of your code ie in the boot file.

models = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app', 'models') # path to your models
$LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(models)

# Constent Missing for requiring models files
def Object.const_missing(const)
    require const.to_s.underscore
    klass = const_get(const)
    return klass if klass


  • The Rails way is based on a very nice Ruby feature: const_missing. You could write your const_missing method or looking around the web for a solution with const_missing and sinatra.