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Normalizr with Redux with nested array of objects

I'm just getting started with using normalizr with Redux, and I can't make it work. Even though I can do it with plain JavaScript.

I have an array of objects

const data = [
    data_detail: [
        category: 'newCategory',
        _id: '123',
    _id: 'abc_id',
    customer: {
      _id: '456',
      email: '',
      name: 'Bob',
    date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',

And I need to transform it to

const normalizedResponse = {
  customers: {
    '456': {
      _id: '456',
      email: '',
      name: 'Bob',
  details: {
    '123': {
      category: 'newCategory',
      _id: '123',
  orders: {
   'abc_id: {
      order_detail: [123],
      _id: 'abc_id',
      customer: '456',
      date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',

Step 1: Display just orders

What I do:

const userSchema = new schema.Entity(

const userListSchema = new schema.Array(userSchema);

const normalizedData = normalize(data, userListSchema);

What I get

  "entities": {
    "orders": {
      "abc_id": {
        "data_detail": [
            "category": "newCategory",
            "id": "123"
        "id": "abc_id",
        "customer": {
          "id": "456",
          "email": "",
          "name": "Bob"
        "date": "2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
      "abc_id-02": {
        "data_detail": [
            "category": "newCategory1",
            "id": "123-02"
        "id": "abc_id-02",
        "customer": {
          "id": "456-02",
          "email": "",
          "name": "Bob"
        "date": "2001-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
  "result": [

What I'm trying to get:

 orders: {
   'abc_id: {
      order_detail: [123],
      _id: 'abc_id',
      customer: '456',
      date: '2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z',

The question: How to remove some fields from orders and add new ones?


  • You have 3 different entity types in your data object. First draft out a schema for each of them:

    const detail = new schema.Entity('details');
    const customer = new schema.Entity('customers');
    const order = new schema.Entity('orders');

    Then go back and fill in the relationships. It looks like order is the outermost entity. An order contains an array of details/categories and a single customer.

    const order = new schema.Entity('orders', {
      data_detail: [detail],

    All of your entities use _id instead of id, so you need to set the idAttribute.

    Your data is an array of order. You can use new schema.Array(order) but you can also just use [order].

    Here's your final code:

    const customer = new schema.Entity("customers", {}, { idAttribute: "_id" });
    const detail = new schema.Entity("details", {}, { idAttribute: "_id" });
    const order = new schema.Entity(
        data_detail: [detail],
      { idAttribute: "_id" }
    const normalizedData = normalize(data, [order]);

    That gives you:

      "entities": {
        "details": { 
          "123": { 
            "category": "newCategory", 
            "_id": "123" 
        "customers": {
          "456": { 
            "_id": "456", 
            "email": "", 
            "name": "Bob"
        "orders": {
          "abc_id": {
            "data_detail": ["123"],
            "_id": "abc_id",
            "customer": "456",
            "date": "2021-01-10T01:51:24.387Z"
      "result": ["abc_id"]