I want to export data from google scholar. In particular, I want to export a list of articles that cite a particular paper. If I click the Cited By
link I can get this page. One way I can export these data is to add all of them to my library. Then you can export in 4 different formats (BibTex, Refman, Endnote, CSV). However, none of these export formats include the HTML link (URL) to each paper.
The other strategy would be to scrape the data, but I don't want to do that as I know that this can be very tricky with google scholar's captchas.
Is there a way to export the results of a google scholar search that includes the URLs of each paper ?
For the page you're on you mean? From the console (F12) do:
copy($$('li > a').map(a => a.href))
Now they're in your clipboard.