I am trying the install pod 'FirebaseAppCheck', '8.0.0-beta'
in the Podfile of my NativeScript project using target iOS 14.4. However, it gives an error below
[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FirebaseAppCheck": In Podfile: FirebaseAppCheck (= 8.0.0-beta)
Specs satisfying the
FirebaseAppCheck (= 8.0.0-beta)
dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target. 'pod install' command failed.
Is this a bug in Firebase AppCheck which requires a future iOS version, or is this an issue with NativeScript that cannot install a beta pod?
I found out the root cause of this issue and there are 2 parts:
(1) In App_Resources/iOS/Podfile, add platform :ios, '11.0'
This is for Cocoapods
(2) in App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfigh, add IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.0
, this is for XCode
The app should work even after (1) is done. However, in order to be consistent with the target build, I recommend to change both.
However, in my case, I have one more issue after fixing the 2 points above. Because AppCheck requires requires 'Firebase/Core', '~>8.0', but on the other hand, I also have @nativescript/firebase in my project, which hardcodes to use Firebase/Core ~>6.34.0. Therefore, I still cannot make the project working with AppCheck without sacrificing @nativescript/firebase.