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Couldn't integrate a CSS file into my project

I would like to connect my layout.html file with a CSS file so that every other page extending my layout.html has access to this CSS file.

That is the code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/aufgabenzettel/static/css/main.css">
        {% block body %}
        {% endblock %}



{% extends "aufgabenzettel/layout.html" %}

{% block body %}
    <h1>Meine Aufgaben</h1>
{% endblock %}


h1 {
    color: aqua;

The href in layout.html is probably correct bacause I can be redirected to it in VS via ctrl + click. However, the h1 in index.html still appears in black instead of aqua... What am I doing wrong?

I appreciate every kind of help!


  • First you have to add {% load static %} at the top of your code where you want to use static function in template and than you have to use static function like this {% static 'your_css_path_inside_static_directory' %} eg.

    {% load static %}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="de">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static '/aufgabenzettel/static/css/main.css' %}">
            {% block body %}
            {% endblock %}