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How can i strip strings on Python?

How can i strip the string below?(I just want to create a column to show city and state,you can see the city and state's name after \n)

array(['208 Michael Ferry Apt. 674\nLaurabury, NE 37010-5101',
       '188 Johnson Views Suite 079\nKathleen, CA 48958',
       '9127 Elizabeth Stravenue\nDanieltown, WI 06482-3489', ...,
       '4215 Tracy Garden Suite 076\nJoshualand, VA 01707-9165',
       'USS Wallace\n**FPO AE** 73316',
       '37778 George Ridges Apt. 509\nEast Holly, NV 29290-3595'],


  • You can use regex expressions to get the city name, in your case it would look something like this:

        import re
        example_string = '208 Michael Ferry Apt. 674\nLaurabury, NE 37010-5101'
        city = re.findall(r"\n(.*?),", text)

    However, given that you have ... in your array, will probably cause problems, since that's not a string.