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Insert a Json object in MongoDB from Laravel 7

I need upload a image to Google storage and insert the below JSON object with the gcs image path in MongoDB.

The image is successfully getting uploaded in GCS, but I am not able to get the image url of the image and also not able to update the path in mongoDB.

JSON object format


 "original": "/pictures/1620305924456-74535-605b8a97a02cf2c1",

 "thumbnail": "/pictures/1620305924456-74535-605b8a97a02cf2c1",

 "fileType": "image"


Can anyone help me to implement the this logic.

public function store(Request $request)
        'name' => 'required',
        'imageUrl' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg|max:2048',
      $disk = Storage::disk('gcs');
      $imagePath = $request->file('imageUrl');
      $imageName = $imagePath->getClientOriginalName();
      $disk->put('pictures', $request->file('imageUrl'));
      $player->name ='test';
      $player->imageUrl = [
        'original' => '/pictures/nScT0KD7LoQucnfoFBLFfNAw9pmdfPnvtyC0VHq6.jpg',
        'thumbnail' => '/pictures/nScT0KD7LoQucnfoFBLFfNAw9pmdfPnvtyC0VHq6.jpg',
        'fileType'=> 'image'


    return redirect()->route('appreciation.index')
                    ->with('success','Record created successfully.');

Thanks in advance


  • Finally I fixed it using below code .

            'name' => 'required',
            'imageUrl' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg|max:2048',
        $appreciation = new Appreciation();
        $appreciation->name = $request->get('name');
        $imagePath = $request->file('imageUrl');
        $imageName = $imagePath->getClientOriginalName();
        $disk = Storage::disk('gcs');
        $url = $disk->url('/pictures/'.$imageName);
       $disk->putFileAs('/pictures/', $request->file('imageUrl'), $imageName);
         $data = [
                'original' =>'/pictures/'.$imageName,
                'thumbnail' => '/pictures/'.$imageName,
                'fileType'=> 'image'
        $appreciation->imageUrl = $data;