I am trying to create a procedure (or a query) in plpgsql that will only be run once and here is what I've done so far:
create or replace procedure transfer()
LANGUAGE plpgsql as
cur refcursor;
trans record;
_datum timestamp;
_price integer;
open cur FOR
select blocknumber, "timestamp"
from transactions
group by blocknumber, "timestamp"
order by blocknumber;
fetch cur into trans;
exit when not found;
select _price = "value"
from public."BNBUSDT"
where datum > trans.timestamp
order by datum
limit 1;
update public.transactions
set "PriceK" = _price
where blocknumber = trans.blocknumber
and contract_adresa_kupljenog = '1'
and "timestamp" = trans.timestamp;
end loop;
close cur;
$$ ;
Now when I run this procedure I got this error:
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function transfer() line 20 at SQL statement
SQL state: 42601
line 20 is
exit when not found;
How to make this working?
select _price = "value"
Here you are trying to return a boolean indicating if those values are equal. There is no destination for that boolean result, hence the error message.
You want:
select "value" into _price