I have two classes. One class is an object of the type
public class Taksi
public int num;
public string brand;
public string FIO;
public double mileage;
// Here i missed get and setters
public Taksi(int newNum, string newBrand, string newFio, double Mileage)
this.brand = newBrand;
this.FIO = newFio;
this.mileage = Mileage;
this.num = newNum;
And the second class stores a sortedList like SortedList <int, object> Park {get; }
public class sortedList : FileEvent, Gride
SortedList<int, object> Park { get; }
public sortedList()
Park = new SortedList<int, object>();
in function in class sortedList FileEvent.scanFile (string pathFile) I fill in the sorted list with the keys and the Taxi object. in this line Park.Add(Int32.Parse(dataArray[0]), newTaksi);
void FileEvent.scanFile(string pathFile)
Taksi newTaksi;
IEnumerable<string> lines = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
lines = File.ReadLines(pathFile);
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Exception when opening file: " + e);
foreach (var line in lines)
string[] dataArray = line.Split('|');
newTaksi = new Taksi(Int32.Parse(dataArray[0]),
Park.Add(Int32.Parse(dataArray[0]), newTaksi);
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Exception when parsing file: " + e);
** How can I get back the taxi object from the sorted list and the data from the object?**
Use SortedList<int, Taksi>
instead of SortedList<int, object>
. If you specify the correct type here, the list knows what type of objects it holds and you can access them as the correct type.
In order to get a taksi by number from the list, you can use the TryGetValue
if(Park.TryGetValue(42, out Taksi myTaksi))
// Number 42 was in the list and you can use it here as myTaksi
// There is no taxi with number 42 in the list
If you are certain that a certain number is in the list, you can access it using square brackets:
Taksi no42 = Park[42];
In order to loop over all objects in the list:
foreach(Taksi taksi in Park.Values)
// Do something with taksi
Or if you want to access the object together with the number it was added under in the list:
foreach(var pair in Park)
// pair.Key is the number
// pair.Value is the Taksi object