I'm trying to do a simple chatbot in prolog, which basically does what this python script does ... could someone help me?
question = input('Hello, can i help you?')
questions = ["what is ipv4", "what is router", "what is osi"]
answers = [
"Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol.",
"A router is a device that forwards data packets between computer networks."
"The OSI Model is an ISO reference computer network model divided into layers of functions."
question = question.lower().replace("?", "").strip()
idx = questions.index(question) if question in questions else -1
response = answers[idx] if idx > -1 else "Sorry, answer not found."
I am blocked here:
:- initialization(main).
list_of_questions(['what is ipv4', 'what is router']).
in_list_of_questions(X) :-
member(X, L).
Res :- in_my_list_of_elements('what is ipv4 ?').
main :- write(Res).
this doesnt work :(
How about this.
Note the following:
This is for SWI-Prolog.
. If another Prolog is used, a subsitute predicate may have to be found."foo"
) and atoms ('foo'
or foo
). Strings should be used for "text elements" as opposed to "identifier-like" elements. In this case, we use atoms throughout, although the answer and question for example are use cases for strings.trim/2
predicate as such to trim an atom (i.e. remove blanks from the atom's start and end). So I added one. It's not very efficient due to the way append/3
generates candidates but good enough for short atoms. (Is the SWI-Prolog preferred way to transform everything into a string and then apply a particular form of split_string/4
? I hope trim/2
gets added soon.)question_answer('what is ipv4' , 'Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol.').
question_answer('what is router' , 'A router is a device that forwards data packets between computer networks.').
question_answer('what is osi' , 'The OSI Model is an ISO reference computer network model divided into layers of functions.').
main :-
format('Hello, can i help you?~n',[]),
format('~s~n',['Sorry, answer not found'])
% That additional
% trim(Chars,TrimmedChars)
is_blank(X) :-
memberchk(X,[' ','\n','\r','\t']). % should be extended to the whole unicode "blank" class
trim(Atom,TrimmedAtom) :-
trim_chars(Chars,TrimmedChars) :-
TrimmedChars == [];
(TrimmedChars = [First|_], \+is_blank(First), last(TrimmedChars,Last), \+is_blank(Last))
Test run:
?- [q].
?- main.
Hello, can i help you?
|: What is IPv4 ?
Internet Protocol version 4 is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol.
Hello, can i help you?
|: What is ROUTER
A router is a device that forwards data packets between computer networks.
Hello, can i help you?
|: Who is Iwakura Lain?
Sorry, answer not found
Hello, can i help you?
|: ^Dfalse.