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CefSharp Project exe dont open

If I use anything with CefSharp in my WPF application, be it "<cefSharp: ChromiumWebBrowser />" in the XAML file or "ChromiumWebBrowser browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser ();" or "Cef.Initialize (new CefSettings ());" in the .cs file, I can no longer open the exe in the /obj folder. The exe in the /bin folder, which is the same, the Visual Studio opens but runs without problems.

I use Visual Studio 2019 (Community).

Via Nuget I installed CefSharp.Common, CefSharp.Wpf, cef.redist.x64 and cef.redist.x84. This error occurs with x64, x86, or Any CPU. (For Any CPU I have changed corresponding files (as in:


  • I have been dealing with a very similar problem for some time. Turns out I just had to delete the three CefSharp.*.dll files present in the main directory and instead copy /x84 folder from /bin.