I'm new to testing and Espresso, so bear with me please.
I have an app with some simple image editing and I have decided to cover it with UI tests. For starters I have decided to test the initial image uploading, processing and moving to the next screen.
here is the test I came up with so far:
class VerifyLoadImage {
lateinit var testContext: Context
var mActivityTestRule = ActivityScenarioRule(MainActivity::class.java)
fun loadContext() {
testContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().context
fun loadImageToCrop() {
mActivityTestRule.scenario.onActivity { mainActivity ->
// get the activity
val navigationFragment = mainActivity.supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById(R.id.fragmentContainer)
//verify that current fragment displayed is ImagePickerFragment
val currentFragment = navigationFragment?.getDisplayedChildFragment()?.let { it as? ImagePickerFragment }
?: throw AssertionError("currentFragment is not instance of ImagePickerFragment")
//call the method to upload the image from input stream, process it and then navigate to the crop screen
currentFragment.loadBitmapAndOpenCropScreen(AssetInputStreamProvider(testContext, "sample_image.jpg"))
//verify that crop screen is currently displayed
assert(navigationFragment.getDisplayedChildFragment() is CropFragment)
private fun Fragment.getDisplayedChildFragment() = childFragmentManager.fragments.first()
this is the code in currentFragment.loadBitmapAndOpenCropScreen
internal fun loadBitmapAndOpenCropScreen(inputStreamProvider: InputStreamProvider) {
activityViewModel.loadBitmap(inputStreamProvider).observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
when (it) {
Loading -> showLoading()
is Success -> {
is Error -> hideLoading()
the problem is that when testing, the LiveData never changes updates at all [works normally when launching the app].
I would appreciate any help here.
var mInstantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()