I'm trying to unit-test my controller (Yii framework).
* @dataProvider provider
public function testActionEdit_view_login($controller){
$user = new CWebUser;
$user->id = 978;
$identity = new UserIdentity('me@test.com', '123456');
$output = ob_get_contents();
assertContains('Add/Change Profile Picture:', $output);
assertContains('bio', $output);
assertContains('specialties', $output);
assertContains('change login', $output);
assertContains('New Password', $output);
When I do
in order to login, I get the following error:
session_regenerate_id(): Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent
I've already tried buffering the output by putting this at the beginning of the class:
public static function setUpBeforeClass(){
I also put ob_clean() in setUp() and ob_end_clean() in tearDownAfterClass().
Still I get the message that headers have already been sent. There are no spaces or newlines in the file, when I comment out the specific test method, it works perfectly. The login() seems to cause the problem.
Anyone got ideas how to prevent this / maybe unit-test the controller differently?
Thanks, MrB
Got it. I had included some Yii files before the ob_start(), which seem to have printed the headers. Now I buffer that, too.