I would like to paginate my objects with the Kaminari pagination gem. I have this line in my controller:
@products = Product.order("id").find_all_by_id(params[:id])
That line in my view:
<%= paginate @products %>
And that line in my model:
paginates_per 20
When I open my page where my objects are supposed to be listed, I have this error message :
undefined method `current_page' for #<Array:0x2964690>
The exception is raised at my <%= paginate @products %>
I have already made a pagination for another project and it was working really great. Could someone help me please ?
Thank you !
The problem is that find_all_by_*
returns an array, not an ActiveRecord::Relation.
You can do something like this instead
@products = Product.order("id").where("id IN (?)", params[:id])
Also, you should probably have a .page(params[:page])
in there.