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How we can link sidebar menu item with app body?

I have a react.js project, I want to link sidebar menu as I drawn in image below. When any users click the side menu items, it can be linked theirs body. I was search so many materials on internet, they do easy, but I do not know how to apply this projects, any idea will be appreciated.


enter image description here


function App() {
 return (
<div className="App">
      <Route path="/" exact>


 function Chat() {
 return <ChatContainer>
    <h1>Chat screen will be here</h1>

 export default Chat;


function Sidebar() {
return (

  <SidebarOption Icon={InsertCommentIcon} title="Threads"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={InboxIcon} title="Mentions & reactions"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={DraftsIcon} title="Saved items"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={BookmarkBorderIcon} title="Channel browser"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={PeopleAltIcon} title="People & user groups"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={AppsIcon} title="Apps"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={FileCopyIcon} title="File browser"/>
  <SidebarOption Icon={ExpandLessIcon} title="Show less"/>
   <SidebarOption Icon={ExpandMoreIcon} title="Channels"/>
   <SidebarOption Icon={AddIcon} addChannelOption title="Add Channels"/>

   export default Sidebar;


  • You need to wrap the SideBar Option with the Link Component. And have the MainContent to be rendered via Route . So that when you click on the item in the SideBar you will update the route and the Route component renders its component if the path matches .

    SideBar Example