What's the difference between these two subdomains WWW and m?
For instance, WWW.medium.com
and m.medium.com
In my country, WWW.medium.com
is blocked, but when I try using m.medium.com
instead, It works well. So I want to know what's the difference between them? Can they have different content?
PS: I have searched about that, but haven't found anything related
Thanks in advance.
Yes, they can. In fact, the two domains www.medium.com and m.medium.com could point to two completely different servers. This is up to the owner of medium.com to decide.
Usually, a 'm' subdomain points to the version of the site that is intended for mobile devices, i.e. devices with a smaller screen size.
Pinging the domains, I get for medium.com, for www.medium.com and for m.medium.com.