I am trying to use subscript + superscript + square brackets in a Ggplot2 y-axis. But when I use below code, it shows error.
labs(y = parse(text = "S[in] ~~ group('[', W * ~~ m^-2, ']')"))
Error is:
Error in parse(text = "S[in] ~~ group('[', W * ~~ m^-2, ']')") :
<text>:1:3: unexpected 'in'
1: S[in
I need a label: Sin [W m-2], where in is subscript, and -2 is superscript.
Can anyone please help in fixing this issue?
You could use expression
ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +
geom_point() +
labs(y = expression("S"["in"] ~ "[W" ~ m^-2~"]"))