I have a set of pdfs that I am attempting to extract data from for analysis. As part of this process I want to modify and export this data into a .csv file. Thus far I have been able to successfully extract my data with pdfplumber from my pdfs.
This portion of the data is a set of strings that look like:
Deer W Pre 4-3F
Deer W Post 2-1F
DG Post 7F
S Pre 2-12F
Staff Post 3-1F
Staff Pre 2-10F
Staff Post 2-11F
Tut Post 2-1F
I am trying to use csv.writer to write this series of strings into a .csv file with all strings ending up in the same column, but with each string in their own row. I have done a lot of digging on here but have not been able to find a solution to my issue. The code I have used is:
with open("output.csv", mode="a+") as fp:
wr = csv.writer(fp, dialect="excel")
for item in site_tree_info: #site_tree_info is the variable that stores the strings
This is giving me a rather strange output:
Do folks have a suggestion about what to do to receive my anticipated output:
I really don't understand why [str(string)] is not working for me here, as it has worked for lots of other folks with similar issues.
This is the code I used to create the strings listed above:
# Get list of output pdf files in our directory
meta_sample = re.compile(r'^[A-Z].*') #this is to pull text from page 1
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/Users/myname/tree'):
for filename in files:
p = os.path.join(root, filename)
with pdfplumber.open(p) as pdf:
#pull text from the first page of pdfs which includes information about the samples and the conditions they were analyzed under
sample_info = pdf.pages[0]
sample_info_text = sample_info.extract_text()
sample_info_text_split = sample_info_text.split('\n')
for lines in sample_info_text_split:
if meta_sample.match(lines):
column_name, *column_info = lines.split(':')
column_info = ' '.join(column_info)
#print(column_info) #we have accurately captured both left and right sides of the table from page 1
#This prints Sample ID and sample site/tree info, which is the 2nd item [2] in the sample_info_text_split string
#We then strip the string of the ":" and split the string into two at that point. I then grab the 2nd item in this split string [1] which prints the site and tree info
site_tree_info = sample_info_text_split[2].strip().split(":", 1)[1]
print(site_tree_info) #this prints as above
simple explanation is your site_tree_info
variable is a str
so when you are looping over it, it is creating new row for every character so i will suggest you instead of string use list
for site_tree_info
like this (i am assuming data is like this)
site_tree_info = ['Deer W Pre 4-3F','Deer W Post 2-1F']