I wanted to build an application like Twitter where I have to display a list of data sets with live updates for counting like and comments in real time.
For that, I am using
But how would I implement the firestore query with PaggingSource class by emitting live changes to the list?
class FirebasePagingSource() : PagingSource<QuerySnapshot,ItemModel>() {
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<QuerySnapshot, ItemModel>): QuerySnapshot? {
// Need guidance for implementation
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<QuerySnapshot>): LoadResult<QuerySnapshot, ItemModel> {
//Need guidance for implementation
} }
Here ItemModel is a data class
2. ItemListLiveData Class
class FirestoreQueryLiveData(private val query: Query)
: LiveData<List<Item>>(), EventListener<QuerySnapshot> {
private lateinit var registration: ListenerRegistration
override fun onActive() {
registration = query.addSnapshotListener(this)
override fun onInactive() {
override fun onEvent(snapshot: QuerySnapshot?, error: FirebaseFirestoreException?) {
snapshot?.let {
val documents= mutableListOf<Item>()
for (document in snapshot.documents) {
document.toObject(Item::class.java)?.let {
} }
There are plenty of useful guides online. In general, you can set a stream of paged data from Firestore into a Recycler View and from there it is simply a matter of paginating each request.
This can be a lengthy and involved process, so I will link a recommended tutorial, its source, and the relevant youtube guide.