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How to change text colour of single cell in Kable Extra?

Is there a way of changing the text colour of a single cell/multiple cells?

For example, I have a table that I changed the colour of all text to red. But I want the diagonal colour to be blue

Is there a way to achieve this?

I have tried to use testStats[1, 2] <- cell_spec(testStats[1, 2], "latex", color = "blue") to change colour for one cell.

But doesn't seem to work.


test = iris
testStats =[,1:4], 2, summary))

kable(testStats, booktabs =TRUE,caption = "Sample") %>%
  kable_styling(latex_options = c('hold_position')) %>%
  column_spec(2:5, color = "red")

  testStats[1, 2] <- cell_spec(testStats[1, 2], "latex", color = "blue")


  • You can use cell_spec in a loop to change multiple cells. For diagonals you can do -

    test = iris
    testStats =[,1:4], 2, summary), 2))
    for(i in seq_along(testStats)) {
      testStats[i, i] <- cell_spec(testStats[i, i], "html", color = "blue")
    kable(testStats, 'html', booktabs =TRUE,caption = "Sample", escape = FALSE) %>%
      kable_styling(latex_options = c('hold_position')) %>%
      column_spec(2:5, color = "red")

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