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How do you list only accounts numbers and account names under an AWS organization using AWS CLI

Using the AWS CLI, how do I output a list of all the accounts with just Account Names and Account Numbers?

The below command outputs Account Names and Numbers along with other values, how do I filter this?

aws organizations list-accounts


  • The below command outputs Account names and Account numbers in a tabular format -

    aws organizations list-accounts --query 'Accounts[*].[Name, Id]' --output table


    |                            ListAccounts                            |
    |  alphabet-finance-dev                              |  80XX00000001 |
    |  alphabet-security-prd                             |  80XX43500061 |
    |  alphanet-devops-tst                               |  50XX00000046 |
    |  ................                                  |  ............ |

    For output in text -

    aws organizations list-accounts --query 'Accounts[*].[Name, Id]' --output text

    For output in JSON -

    aws organizations list-accounts --query 'Accounts[*].[Name, Id]' --output json

    For output in YAML -

    aws organizations list-accounts --query 'Accounts[*].[Name, Id]' --output yaml