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In the first column (#0) of a ttk.Treeview, each cell prompts text with a slight downard shift. Why is that?

This is not a big issue, however it bugs me. It seems that the text within the cells of the first column #0 of ttk.Treeview is shifted downard. The result is not very clean, as part of the text is hided.

import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk

root = tk.Tk()

choices = ("Author", "John", "Mohan", "James", "Ankur", "Robert")

master_frame = ttk.Frame(root)
master_frame.pack(expand = True, fill = "both")

tree = ttk.Treeview(master_frame)
tree["columns"]=("Test1", "Test2") 
tree.pack(fill = "both")
for item in choices:
    tree.insert('', 'end',item ,text = item, 
          values = (item, "Hello_W0rld"))
message_txt = tk.StringVar()
def what():
    message_txt.set(", ".join(tree.selection()))
ttk.Button(master_frame, text = "Name it!", 
        command =  what).pack()
ttk.Label(master_frame, textvariable = message_txt).pack()

Result of the previous code: the text is partially hided in the first column of the Treeview

Am I doing something wrong? If not , are there solutions? For instance, is there a way to have control over the width of a row? Or simply the anchor of the text whithin a cell? Thanks in advance, have a nice day.


  • treestyle = ttk.Style()  