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No Data is being returned from SQL Database using DBContext

I'm creating a system that draws routes using Bing Maps and ASP.Net. I want to store the postcodes for the stops on the route in a SQL Database and pass them over to the view using MVC.

However, querying the database doesn't return any results, even though the Database is popualted. I've used Debug.WriteLine in various parts of the code and deduced that though it's connecting to the database and querying the right table, when I initialise the DBContext in my controller, using ToList.Count on it shows 0.

My code is as follows:

Controller - MapController.cs

private StopsDBContext db = new StopsDBContext();

public ActionResult Index()

        Debug.WriteLine("--->" + db.Stops.ToList().Count + "<---"); // this shows 0 

        var Stops = from e in db.Stops
                    select e;

        List<Stop> Model = Stops.ToList();

        return View(Model);


Model - Stop.cs

public class Stop
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Postcode { get; set; }

    public Stop(int iD, string name, string postcode)
        ID = iD;
        Name = name;
        Postcode = postcode;

    public Stop() {}

public class StopLists
    public IEnumerable<Stop> StopList { get; set; }

public class StopsDBContext : DbContext
    public StopsDBContext()
        Database.Log = s => Debug.WriteLine(s); //this shows the sql queries in the console
    public DbSet<Stop> Stops { get; set; }

I've passed hardcoded data into the view before doing this so I know that part's right, and since it's running the query it must be connecting to the Database, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: Updated classes following advice from Dai


  • I've solved the error now. Thanks to everyone that replied for your advice.

    Turns out my model and my table had different fields and I didn't realise, so the DBContext was searching for fields that didn't exist. Whoops.