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Is there a REST (Graph or otherwise) equivalent of Set-Mailbox and Add-MailboxPermission powershell commands?

Basically same question with this one more than 3.5 years ago. Curious if anything has changed? Is it available now?

Was hoping to do below commands via REST:

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity $userUPN -User $delegateTo -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All
Set-Mailbox -Identity $userUPN -Type Shared



    • Nope, still Mailbox level operations are not exposed with Microsoft Graph API.
    • You can use the same exchange PowerShell commands to perform the operations.
    • If you wish this to be implemented by Microsoft, consider filing feature request or upvote the existing one, incase if you found one - so that the respective team can consider it.