I am able to read in a subset of columns defined in cols_only
like so:
x <- read_csv(filePath, col_types=cols_only(colA=col_character())
x <- read_csv(filePath, col_types=cols_only(colA='c'))
Both work fine, but I tried to create a list to pass into cols_only
and splice it, like I do in many Tidyverse functions, but this one generates an error.
cols <- list(colA='c')
x <- read_csv(filePath, col_types=cols_only(!!!cols))
I tried this also as a named vector cols <- c(colA='c')
but I get the error Error in !cols: invalid argument type
Is this a limitation of the function? I saw this GitHub issue https://github.com/tidyverse/readr/issues/971 so was hoping this function could support this functionality.
If the splicing is not working, use do.call
df1 <- read_csv(file.choose(), col_types = do.call(cols_only, cols))
Using a small reproducible example
cols1 <- list(`Service Charge`='c', `MONTHLY FEES` = 'c')
df1 <- read_csv(file.choose(),
col_types = do.call(cols_only, cols1))
# A tibble: 6 x 2
# `Service Charge` `MONTHLY FEES`
# <chr> <chr>
#1 Customer Transfer Dr. INVESTMENT PURCHASE
#2 Customer Transfer Dr. INVESTMENT PURCHASE
#3 Miscellaneous Payment PAYPAL