I am Developing a Mobile application using Flutter 2.0, this whole application is in the Gujarati language, the application is ready, all text is rendering perfectly in the app, but when I generate pdf from data that are on the screen, the Gujarati fonts not rendering correctly,
I am using plugin
pdf: ^3.0.1
for Ex,
there is the string on-screen is લોગિન and when I print in pdf it becomes લોગનિ
Same for another ઉત્સવ becomes ઉત્ સવ(ignore space between words)
Use this flutter library
//Create a new PDF document.
final PdfDocument document = PdfDocument();
//Read font data.
final Uint8List fontData = File('arial.ttf').readAsBytesSync();
//Create a PDF true type font object.
final PdfFont font = PdfTrueTypeFont(fontData, 12);
//Draw text using ttf font.
document.pages.add().graphics.drawString('Hello World!!!', font,
bounds: const Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 200, 50));
// Save the document.
// Dispose the document.