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Use of bitwise OR operator in calculating a return value

I am using some code that I found at, which works fine, but I have a question about what it's doing.

The code is designed to return information about any index found on a specific column of a table in MS Access. Index types are identified with a constant, and there are four possible index types (including None):

Private Const intcIndexNone As Integer = 0
Private Const intcIndexGeneral As Integer = 1
Private Const intcIndexUnique As Integer = 3
Private Const intcIndexPrimary As Integer = 7

The relevant piece of code is as follows:

Private Function IndexOnField(tdf As DAO.TableDef, fld As DAO.Field) As Integer

    'Purpose:   Indicate if there is a single-field index on this field in this table.
    'Return:    The constant indicating the strongest type.
    Dim ind As DAO.Index
    Dim intReturn As Integer
    intReturn = intcIndexNone
    For Each ind In tdf.Indexes
        If ind.Fields.Count = 1 Then
            If ind.Fields(0).Name = fld.Name Then
                If ind.Primary Then
                    intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexPrimary)
                ElseIf ind.Unique Then
                    intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexUnique)
                    intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexGeneral)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    'Clean up
    Set ind = Nothing
    IndexOnField = intReturn

End Function

To be truthful, I didn't really understand the concept of a bitwise OR operator, so I've spent the last couple of hours researching that, so now I think I do. And along the way, I noticed that the four possible index values equate to a clear binary pattern:

None:    0
General: 1
Unique: 11
Primay: 111

All of which is good. But I don't understand the use in the function of the OR operator, in the lines:

 If ind.Primary Then
     intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexPrimary)
 ElseIf ind.Unique Then
     intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexUnique)
     intReturn = (intReturn Or intcIndexGeneral)
 End If

Given that the structure of this code means that only one path can ever be returned, why not just return the actual required constant, without the use of OR? I know that Allen Browne's code is always well crafted, so he won't, I assume, have done this without good reason, but I can't see what it is.

Can someone help, so that I can better understand - and write better code myself in future?



  • As basodre pointed to about the bitwise is correct, but not the 2, 4, 8 basis.

    When dealing with an index, ALL of the possibilities are possible, hence the 1, 3, 7 (right-most 3 bits).

    0000 = No index
    0001 = regular index
    0011 = unique index
    0111 = PRIMARY index

    So, the IF block is testing with the HIGHEST QUALIFIER of the type of index.

    Any index can be regular, no problem.

    some indexes can be unique, and they could be on some sort of concatenated fields to want as unique that have NOTHING to do with the primary key of the table

    Last IS the primary key of the table - which is ALSO UNIQUE.

    So, if the index you are testing against IS the primary, it would also show as true if you asked if it was an index or even if it was a unique index.

    So, what it is doing is starting the

     intReturn = intcIndexNone

    which in essence sets the return value to a default of 0. Then it cycles through all indexes in the table that have the given field as part of an index. A table could have 20 indexes on it and 5 of them have an index using the field in question. That one field could be used as any possible part of a regular, unique or primary key index.
    So the loop is starting with NONE (0). Then going through each time the field is found as associated with an index. Then whatever type of index that current index is, ORs the result.

    So lets say that the index components as it goes through show a given field as Unique first, then regular, then Primary just for grins to see the result of the OR each cycle.

    def intReturn     0000
       OR Unique      0011
                      0011  NEW value moving forward
        intReturn     0011
       OR Regular     0001
                      0011  Since unique was higher classification, no change
        intReturn     0011
       OR Primary     0111
                      0111 Just upgraded to the highest classification index

    So now, its returning the OR'd result of whatever the previous value was. In this case, the highest index association is "Primary" index

    Does that clarify it for you?