Can I create and associate related model in-line? For example
Let be table countries with ids and names. For instance 171 | Poland
Table addresses has column country_id as foreign key, but not null and columns such as city, street and others.
In AdressModel, $fillable property is set as well.
And now, to create new Address from request, I know three ways to do it.
new Address()
and then assign fields to matching object's properties. Finally save()
and the call associate() on given relation method, country() in that case.Is there a way to do that inline without nullable(), something like:
$country = Country::find($request->country_id);
$address = Address::create($request->address)->country()->associate($country)
You can do something like this:
$country = Country::find($request->country_id);
$address = $country->addresses()->create([
'city' => 'Barcelona',