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Tests failing on Hackerrank but answer correct

I have the following solution:

(defn count-swaps [a]
  (letfn [(swap [a i j] ;; looked up letfn online
            (assoc a i (nth a j) j (nth a i)))]
    (loop [a a num-swaps 0 i 0]
      (if (< i (count a))
        (let [int-loop (loop [a' a j 0 num-swaps' 0]
                         (if (< j (dec (count a)))
                           (if (> (nth a j) (nth a (inc j)))
                             (recur (swap a' j (inc j)) (inc j) (inc num-swaps'))
                             (recur a' (inc j) num-swaps'))
                           [a' num-swaps']))]
          (recur (nth int-loop 0) (+ num-swaps (nth int-loop 1)) (inc i)))
        [num-swaps (nth a 0) (nth a (dec (count a)))]))))

(let [result (count-swaps [4 2 3 1])]
  (prn (str "Array is sorted in " (nth result 0) " swaps.") )
  (prn (str "First Element: " (nth result 1)) )
  (prn (str "Last Element: " (nth result 2)))

For this problem:

However, upon running submitting the problem, none of the tests pass. I don't know why.


  • after testing this for about an hour or so, I realized where you're mistaken. Namely, using prn instead of print prints out the quote characters alongside the actual text. This was a surprise to me, since I always thought that these two are interchangeable. If you change your prns to printlns, you should be okay.

    The final code that I created which passed all of the tests:

    ; Complete the 'countSwaps' function below.
    ; The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY a as parameter.
    (defn count-swaps [a]
      (letfn [(swap [a i j] ;; looked up letfn online
                (assoc a i (nth a j) j (nth a i)))]
        (let [result (loop [a a num-swaps 0 i 0]
          (if (< i (count a))
            (let [int-loop (loop [a' a j 0 num-swaps' 0]
                             (if (< j (dec (count a)))
                               (if (> (nth a j) (nth a (inc j)))
                                 (recur (swap a' j (inc j)) (inc j) (inc num-swaps'))
                                 (recur a' (inc j) num-swaps'))
                               [a' num-swaps']))]
              (recur (nth int-loop 0) (+ num-swaps (nth int-loop 1)) (inc i)))
            [num-swaps (nth a 0) (nth a (dec (count a)))]))]
      (println (str "Array is sorted in " (nth result 0) " swaps.") )
      (println (str "First Element: " (nth result 1)))
      (println (str "Last Element: " (nth result 2))))))
    (def n (Integer/parseInt (clojure.string/trim (read-line))))
    (def a (vec (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (clojure.string/split (clojure.string/trimr (read-line)) #" "))))
    (count-swaps a)

    Let me know if you need any further clearance on this.