I'm trying to use the Cifar-10 dataset to practice my CNN skills.
If I do this it's ok:
(train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = datasets.cifar10.load_data()
But I was trying to use tfds.load()
and I don't understand how to do it.
With this I download it,
train_ds, test_ds = tfds.load('cifar10', split=['train','test'])
Now I tried this but is not working,
assert isinstance(train_ds, tf.data.Dataset)
assert isinstance(test_ds, tf.data.Dataset)
(train_images, train_labels) = tuple(zip(*train_ds))
(test_images, test_labels) = tuple(zip(*test_ds))
Can somebody show me the way to achieve it?
thank you!
You can also extract them like this:
train_ds, test_ds = tfds.load('cifar10', split=['train','test'],
as_supervised = True,
batch_size = -1)
To work with as_numpy()
method, you need pass as_supervised
and batch_size
as shown. If you pass as_supervised = True
then the dataset will have tuple structure that (inputs, labels) otherwise it will be a dictionary.
With them you simply call:
train_images, train_labels = tfds.as_numpy(train_ds)
Or another way is to iterate over it to obtain classes(assuming batch_size
is not passed).
With as_supervised = False
train_images, train_labels = [],[]
for images_labels in train_ds:
With as_supervised = True
for images, labels in train_ds: