I tried to use a text file as an Input for my Quicksort Function in Python. As it turns out, I get this Error
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
I know the Error occurs because Strings in Python are immutable, therefore they cannot be changed. However, I am not sure how I can fix my code to make it run.
My Code (in Python 3)
import sys
f = open('C:/Users/.../.../Desktop/Test/test1.txt')
array = str(f.read())
def QuickSort(array, starting= 0, ending=len(array)-1):
if starting < ending:
p = Partition(array, starting, ending)
QuickSort(array, starting, p-1)
Quicksort(array, p+1, ending)
def Partition(array, starting, ending):
Pivo_Index = starting
Pivot = array[Pivot_Index]
while starting < ending:
while starting < len(array) and array[starting] <= Pivot:
starting += 1
while array[ending] > Pivot:
ending -= 1
if starting < ending:
array[starting], array[ending] = array[ending], array[starting]
array[ending], array[Pivot_Index] = array[Pivot_Index], array[ending]
return ending
My text file is the following
12.11.1990 a
01.01.1991 aa
02.02.1992 baa
02.02.1992 aaa
15.07.1999 ytyvm
Suggestions of how I can fix my code?
returns a string, which is immutable (and thus, can't be sorted, as you've seen). If you want to get a list of lines in the file and sort them, you could use array = f.readlines()