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Joda LocalDateTime from LocalDate and string

I have:

  • a joda LocalDate, so it has no time information and just date
  • a string which contains time and zone information, like "14:20 CEST"

Either of them can be absent (Scala's Option).

How can I combine these two to get joda LocalDateTime, i.e. entity representing only date and time with no timezone?


  • To combine these 2 options, the natural way is to use flatMap method like this:

    val onlyDateOption: Option[LocalDate] = ???
    val timeAndZoneOption: Option[String] = ???
    val result: Option[LocalDateTime] = onlyDateOption.flatMap { onlyDate => { timeAndZone =>
        // Some logic here to build the LocalDateTime from onlyDate and timeAndZone

    Which can also be written with for-comprehension in more readible way:

    val result: Option[LocalDateTime] =  for {
      onlyDate <- onlyDateOption
      timeAndZone <- timeAndZoneOption
    } yield { 
      // Some logic here to build the LocalDateTime from onlyDate and timeAndZone

    Now, how to use Joda to build what you're expecting can probably be done in various different ways, one could be:

      .withHourOfDay(...) // hour extracted from the string somehow
      .withMinuteOfHour(...) // minute extracted from the string somehow

    I'm not familiar with Joda API, there is probably another easier way