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Grails scaffolding does show nothing

I use grails 2.4.4

I added dependenci in my BuildConfig:

dependencies {
    test "org.grails:grails-datastore-test-support:1.0.2-grails-2.4"
    compile "org.grails.plugins:scaffolding:2.1.2"

and add plugin:

plugins {
    build ":tomcat:7.0.55"
    compile ":scaffolding:2.1.2"
    compile ':cache:1.1.8'
    compile ":asset-pipeline:1.9.9"

    runtime ":hibernate4:" // or ":hibernate:"
    runtime ":database-migration:1.4.0"
    runtime ":jquery:1.11.1"

Create domain Person:

package person

class Person {

    static constraints = {

    String name

And controller:

package person

class PersonController {

    static scaffold = Person

Also try to use: static scaffold = true, it also doesn't work. I try to delete my package target.

But in my url (http://localhost:8090/grails-com.learning/person) I see nothing

enter image description here

There is no the plugin:

enter image description here


  • See the project at


    (there is no need to mention the scaffolding plugin in the dependencies {} block, the plugins {} block is where to express that)

    dependencies {
        // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes e.g.
        // runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.29'
        // runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:9.3-1101-jdbc41'
        test "org.grails:grails-datastore-test-support:1.0.2-grails-2.4"
    plugins {
        // plugins for the build system only
        build ":tomcat:7.0.55"
        // plugins for the compile step
        compile ":scaffolding:2.1.2"
        compile ':cache:1.1.8'
        compile ":asset-pipeline:1.9.9"
        // plugins needed at runtime but not for compilation
        runtime ":hibernate4:" // or ":hibernate:"
        runtime ":database-migration:1.4.0"
        runtime ":jquery:1.11.1"
        // Uncomment these to enable additional asset-pipeline capabilities
        //compile ":sass-asset-pipeline:1.9.0"
        //compile ":less-asset-pipeline:1.10.0"
        //compile ":coffee-asset-pipeline:1.8.0"
        //compile ":handlebars-asset-pipeline:"


    package person
    class Person {
        static constraints = {
        String name


    package person
    class PersonController {
        static scaffold = Person 

    That scaffolding behaves as intended.