I am using MVVM/WPF and trying to do something seemingly simple, but cant find a clean solution.
I want to do the following:
When a property changes in the model (WPF Textbox text would be changed in this case), use a method to perform other operations on the UI relating to the property bound.
Currently i am using a multibinding on the tooltip (to get the textbox datacontext + binding path), but this is a bit of a hack.
<TextBox x:Name="textBox" Text="{Binding Model.MyProperty}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource brNewMultiConverter}">
<!-- This to trigger the converter in all required cases.
Without it, i cant get the event to fire when filling
the model initially
<Binding ElementName="textBox" Path="Text" />
<!-- This has the properties i need, but wont fire without
the binding above -->
<Binding ElementName="textBox" />
I would like to make something re-usable and maybe for different controls, hence i am not just using the textchanged event.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.
It looks like you're trying to have the tooltip have the content of the textbox, if so why not just do this?
<TextBox Text="{Binding Model.MyProperty}" ToolTip="{Binding Model.MyProperty}"/>
If that's not what you want, but want the tooltip to change based on the value of the textbox then do that in your viewmodel e.g.
public class MyViewModel
string _MyProperty;
public string MyProperty
get { return _MyProperty;}
_MyProperty = value;
OnPropertyChanged("MyToolTipProperty"); //force WPF to get the value of MyToolTipProperty
public string MyToolTipProperty
//return what you want
and then in your markup:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Model.MyProperty}" ToolTip="{Binding Model.MyToolTipProperty}"/>