I got this data from request:
"type": "custom",
"start_week": "2020-W19"
And my validation rules are:
return [
'type' => 'required|in:standard,custom',
'start_week' => 'required|date_format:Y-\WW',
Which gives me this result:
"errors": {
"start_week": [
"The start week does not match the format Y-\\WW."
I used this format before for validating week type input like "2020-W19".
Am I doing something wrong, what can I do?
I tried it. You'r right. Surprisingly it doesn't work.
But here is a way that you can deal with it. By Using Closures and Carbon
instance directly we can have our own custom rule which works fine:
'start_week' => [
function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
if (!Carbon\Carbon::hasFormat($value, 'Y-\WW')) {
$fail('The '.$attribute.' is invalid.');
More info : Doc