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How to replace torch.sparse with other pytorch function?

I would like to replace the torch.sparse function using the other Pytorch function.

i = torch.LongTensor([[0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 2]])
v = torch.FloatTensor([3, 4, 5])
out1 = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size([2,3])).to_dense()
out2 = ???
out1 == out2
> tensor(True)


I'm converting a Pytorch model to CoreML, but the sparse_coo_tensor operator defined in the torch.norm function is not implemented with CoreMLTools.

A few people have trouble with this problem, but CoreMLTools is still unsupported. So I'd like to replace it without the operator used in torch.sparse.FloatTensor.

I have tried torch.sparse_coo_tensor but it was not supported.

I have created a simple colaboratory notebook that reproduces this. Please test it using the following colab.

I've asked about different operators on stackoverflow before, so please refer to that. How to replace torch.norm with other pytorch function?


  • If I understand sparse_coo format correctly, the two rows of i are just the coordinates at which to copy the values of v. Which means that you can instead create you matrix like :

    def dense_from_coo(i, v):
        rows = i[0].max()+1
        cols = i[1].max()+1
        out = torch.zeros(rows, cols)
        out[i[0], i[1]] = v
        return out
    >>> tensor([[0., 0., 3.],
                [4., 0., 5.]])
    print(torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size([2,3])).to_dense())
    >>> tensor([[0., 0., 3.],
                [4., 0., 5.]])