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How to make IN expression an optional parameter if empty list of elements was provided?

I would like to make IN statement an optional part of my sql query if empty list was provided as argument, but failed to to it. I can do workaround and use some default value in code instead of empty list (all cam_ids), but I would like to know how to do it properly.

I have the following sql expression (real expression is much longer):

 id, cam_id
 FROM sometable
 WHERE id > %(_id)s
 // if use = instead of IN, it works well (of course if cameras is just one value, not array)
 AND (%(camera)s is NULL OR cam_id IN %(camera)s)  

In python I provided arguments to the query the following way:

values = {"_id": 10, camera: tuple(1, 2, 3)]}
curs.execute(query, values)

Everything works if tuple is not empty, otherwise:

if camera = None, I got the following error:

psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "NULL" LINE 6: WHERE (NULL is NULL OR cam_id IN NULL)

if camera = tuple(), I got the following error:

psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near ")" LINE 6: WHERE (() is NULL OR cam_id IN ())

In order to be more clear:

I would like to get all result for all possible cam_ids if empty array was provided, so the results should be identical to SELECT * FROM tablename;

Edit: for Maurice Meyer

I have found the following problems when tried to make bigger queries

select * from vworker_tracks
    // still need some default value: cam_id != ''
    (cam_id = any('{}') or cam_id != '') 
    // unexpected results when both are true, provides all tracks  > 0.0
    (track_duration_seconds = 2.5 or track_duration_seconds > 0.0) 
    id < 100

order by id desc limit 10;


  • The answer does not provide any native sql solution, it is based on, follows KISS principle:

    from aiopg.cursor import Cursor
    async def my_test_query(curs: Cursor, params: dict) -> list:
        the snippet demonstrates how to create IN filters
        The idea is build on the article
        follows KISS principle
        query = f"""
            FROM vworker_tracks 
            WHERE id < %(_id)s
        if params.get("camera", None) is not None:
            query += " AND cam_id IN %(camera)s"
        if params.get("bottom_color", None) is not None:
            query += " AND bottom_color IN %(bottom_color)s"
        if params.get("top_color", None) is not None:
            query += " AND top_color IN %(top_color)s"
        if params.get("cross_direction", None) is not None:
            query += " AND crossed_lines->>'cross_direction' IN %(cross_direction)s"
        if params.get("entrance", None) is not None:
            query += " AND crossed_lines->>'entrance' IN %(entrance)s"
        query += " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50;"
        await curs.execute(query, params)
        res = await curs.fetchall()
        return res