I am trying to concatenate file path and folder name variable like below
Declare @FileName int
SET @FileName = 1
insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\ExportData\'+ CAST(@FileName AS varchar(10))+'.xlsx;', //Incorrect syntax near + expecting ',' or ';'
'SELECT top 100 ItemNo,Name FROM [Sheet1$]') select top 100 ItemNo,Name from product
Normally when I do concatenate with + operator, I am not getting any error as I defined like above. Only in this case I am getting an error
does not support expression or variable as input to the parameter, it must be string literal.
One workaround is to generate the entire OPENROWSET
query dynamically, use exec()
or sp_executesql
This limitation has been feedback in Feedback Forum