I'd like to create some project release versions(released and unreleased). In JIRA, you can find these versions in following JSON file. I need these versions to associate with work items in Azure boards. For example, to show a work item (Type: Bug) is found in certain version. My project is not built on Azure pipeline, So I don't have any release pipeline, so Is there any way to define these versions and name them with whatever name I want. Thanks.
Currently, we seem have no method to directly link work items on Azure Boards to the 3rd-party CI/CD pipelines. Only Azure Pipelines is supported.
As a workaround, you can try to add a custom field on the work item to show the related release as the field value.
For example, add a text field named "Release" on the Bug item, then you can fill this field with the release version or the URL of the related release.
In the 3rd-party CI/CD pipelines, you can set up a step to execute the REST API "Work Items - Update" to automatically fill the release version in the field.