so I want to Implement sidekiq_retries_exhausted in such a way that it triggers automatically when all retries failed Globally and this behavior should be for all workers in my codebase currently, I have to write sidekiq_retries_exhausted every time in each worker but what I want to understand is there any way so that sidekiq_retries_exhausted triggers when all retries failed and I don't have to write this function on each worker
so in short I want to overwrite local sidekiq_retries_exhausted and making it globally available like a kind of middleware so that it triggers automatically when the worker failed it all retries and I don't have to write this in every worker
currently, it is implemented like this in every worker
sidekiq_retries_exhausted do |msg, error|
AlertOnRetriesExhaustedUtils.send_alert_on_retries_exhausted(msg, error)
In sidekiq v5.1 introduced global callback death_handlers
when job dies
The sidekiq_retries_exhausted callback is specific to a Worker class. Starting in v5.1, Sidekiq can also fire a global callback when a job dies:
# this goes in your initializer
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.death_handlers << ->(job, ex) do
puts "Uh oh, #{job['class']} #{job["jid"]} just died with error #{ex.message}."