How can i calculate the response from the weather api
a = x["wind"]["speed"] returns like 3.09
b = x["wind"]["deg"] return 36
c = x["visibility"] returns 2200
d = x["main"]["sea_level"] returns 1004
e = x["main"]["grnd_level"] returns 979
f = x["sys"]["sunrise"] returns like 1621468669
g = x["sys"]["sunset"] return like 1621517866
how can i calculate the time of f
and g
| speed of a
| direction of b
| visibility of c
| and level of d
and e
in meters
If I am not mistaken, those integer values are UNIX timestamps. To get the corresponding datetime, do this:
from datetime import datetime
dateobjf = datetime.fromtimestamp(f+x["timezone"])
dateobjg = datetime.fromtimestamp(g+x["timezone"])
Edit: x["timezone"]
added to return time in some given timezone.
Edit 2: For code to print out the GMT offset:
hrs = abs(x["timezone"])//3600
mins = abs(x["timezone"])//60-hrs*60
if x["timezone"]>0:
tzinfo = f"GMT +{hrs}:{mins:02d}"
elif x["timezone"]==0:
tzinfo = "GMT 0:00"
tzinfo = f"GMT -{hrs}:{mins:02d}"