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Instance variable updating every time object is called

I am trying to create a class that uses randomly generated strings as an id for each instance which will later be inherited in another class. Below is a dumbed down version of what I am doing.

class Part():

    def __init__(self, type):
        import random
        import string

        self.type = type

        # Generate instance ID
        self.part_serial = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for i in range (8))

class Assembly():

    def __init__(self, Part):
        import random
        import string

        # Input agruments

        # Use inherited part_serial
        self.assembly_serial = Part.part_serial + "-" + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for i in range (8))

The problem is once I create the part, every time I call the object, the id changes. Is there any way to create an instance variable using a something similar that doesn't change every time the object is called?

test_part = Part("A")
print(test_part.part_serial) # Returns 5347c17a

test_assembly = Assembly(test_part) # Returns fda8721d-47b6c677 but should return 5347c17a-xxxxxx


  • The error is right in the Assembly initialization:

    def __init__(self, Part):
        # Input agruments

    You explicitly reinitialize Part for some strange reason. This generates a new part number. Why are you doing that? __init__ should be called only once for any object, at its initial creation, and never again. Remove this from Assembly. Also, keep working through class examples to learn the structure and flow.

    N.B. import statements belong at the top of the file. Your code repeats the imports every time you create a new object, which is almost always a waste of time.