I am trying to create a template for my chat bot so the chat looks like
carl: my name is carl, what is yours?
user: *some response*
I have no issues with the bot template, but where my issue is coming by is when I try to create the users template, it gives me an error saying "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'function' and 'str'"
# templates
def templates():
user = myname
print(user + ':')
# asking your name
def myname():
print('carl: my name is carl, what is yours?')
myname = input()
print('carl: nice to meet you ' + myname)
if anyone has any advice, would be greatly appreciated
Try this:
def templates(user):
print(user + ': *some response*')
def myname():
print('carl: my name is carl, what is yours?')
user = input()
print('carl: nice to meet you ' + user)
Your problem is that you make a function called myname
and also make a variable called myname
, among other things.