I have a directory with nany text files, each containing an URL. I want to write each URL including a new line character to a text file. Therefore I created two batch files:
@echo off
forfiles /m *.m3u /c "cmd /c output.bat @file"
@echo off
type %1 >> urls.txt
echo. >> urls.txt
When I run job.bat all URLs are written to the text file.
But there is one problem: At the end of the text file there will be a new line at the end of the text file, even if no further line will follow. What can I do to remove the new line character at the end of urls.txt?
urls.txt should look like this:
That's how job2.bat looks like:
I'm not able to insert a screenshot of urls.txt, since it needs to be scrolled. But I can tell you, that it contains all URLS, one after another without being seperated by any space or new line character.
The exact .m3u files can be found on a subpage of the homepage of a German radio station (ending with .m3u). Therefore I do not include any screenshot of a m3u file.
If you have just a few files, (limited by the string length of the urls with regards maximum size of the variable environment), and your urls do not contain !
characters, (which would be deleted), you may get away with something like this:
@Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F %%G In ('Copy /Z "%~f0" NUL') Do Set "cr=%%G" & (Set lf=^
% 0x0A %
Set "fl=" & For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('Type *.m3u') Do If Not Defined fl (
Set "fl=%%G") Else Set "fl=!fl! %%G"
If Defined fl Set /P "=%fl: =!cr!!lf!%" 0<NUL 1> "urls.txt"
If your files do not contain line terminators or line endings, which I've determined, seems to be consistent, you could just replace a different character or sequence of characters instead:
@Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F %%G In ('Copy /Z "%~f0" NUL') Do Set "cr=%%G" & (Set lf=^
% 0x0A %
Set "fl=" & For /F Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('Type *.m3u') Do Set "fl=%%G"
If Defined fl Set /P "=%fl:3http:=3!cr!!lf!http:%" 0<NUL 1> "urls.txt"