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Can I create an instance of a service for every loaded component in Angular?

I have a component named edit-order.component with the following ts file

export class EditOrderComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private editOrderSrv: EditOrderService, private route: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

and in my edit-order-service.service.ts I have the following code

export class EditOrderService {
  order$: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject(null);
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  getOrderById(id: string){
    this.http.get('url', {params: {id}}).subscribe(order => {
    }, error => {console.error(error)});

The client should be able to open more than one edit-order.component with different id. In my child.component I want to subscribe to order$ like that

export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  order: any;
  constructor(private editOrderSrv: EditOrderService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.editOrderSrv.order$.subscribe(order => {
      if(order) this.order = order;


But therefore I have to have own instances of the service for every edit-order.component to not overwrite order$. How would I achieve that? Or is this not possible? And if it is not possible, what can I do else to achieve my goal?


  • Curiosity, why not your function is

    getOrderById(id: string){
        return this.http.get('url', {params: {id}})

    And you subscribe to getOrderById?

    You can pipe(catchError) if you wish

    Update you can also use a "cache" in the service without use an array of Subject, only an array of object

      orders:any={}  //create an empty object where we store the result
      getOrderById(id: string){
        if (this.orders[id])
            return of(this.orders[id]
        return this.http.get('url', {params: {id}}).pipe(