What is Angular(+11) Mono Repo and how is it different from the other versions of Angular and should you know TypeScript for Angular (+11) mono Repo? I'm trying to find a course to learn more about Angular and I noticed there are not that many on Angular +11. If I learned any version of Angular would I still be learning the important concepts used in the newest version? I want to make sure I'm not learning something outdated from a course I find.
I'm watching now courses from udemy for Angular, the speaker says at the beginning that Angular decided to release a new version each half-year to keep constantly growing and reduce the pain of migrations, therefore these numbers do not matter that much between 2-11. The only essential difference is AngularJS (Angular 1) and Angular (2-11).
About Angular Monorepos, it's more like a pattern, not a language or technology. A tool for helping with that is Lerna and Nx.dev
I have worked with nx.dev and I can tell you that it's awesome. Watch the intro Video: