I tried to disable notebooks.googleapis.com with the command line and the developer interface but it is failing. From the command line when I try
gcloud services disable notebooks.googleapis.com --force
I get the error message:
The operation "operations/acf.p17-742562465356-a48e3333-4d5a-4d82-344e-3d7c345f0c89" resulted in a failure "[Hook call/poll resulted in failed op for service 'notebooks.googleapis.com': Not ready to deactivate the service on this project; ensure there are no more resources managed by this service.] with failed services [notebooks.googleapis.com]".
Details: "[<DetailsValueListEntry
additionalProperties: [<AdditionalProperty
key: '@type'
value: <JsonValue
string_value: 'type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.PreconditionFailure'>>, <AdditionalProperty
key: 'violations'
value: <JsonValue
array_value: <JsonArray
entries: [<JsonValue
object_value: <JsonObject
properties: [<Property
key: 'type'
value: <JsonValue
string_value: 'googleapis.com'>>, <Property
key: 'subject'
value: <JsonValue
string_value: '160008'>>]>>]>>>]>]".
Please is somebody known what is going on and how to solve this?
Notebooks are based on Compute Instances. If you activate Notebooks API and create a new Notebook from Notebooks UI, you will see the corresponding VM in both Notebooks UI and Compute Engine page. If you want to disable Notebooks API you need to:
Curious: Why you want to Disable Notebooks API?