I would like to change my Startup class to scan the system for all the classes that implement an interface and then register them automatically. I'm using Scrutor just to make life easier.
Normally, this is simple to achieve with code similar to this:
services.Scan(scan => scan
My problem is that I can't do this with the options-pattern.
I normally have something like this in my startup:
options => _config.GetSection(nameof(GatewaySettings)).Bind(options));
Which allows me to inject the class into a constructor like this:
public Something( IOptions<GatewaySettings> myOptions)
Is there a way (using Scrutor would be nice, but I'm open to other suggestions) to register all my options-classes. I can easily identify them in the codebase either by naming convention or by decorating them with an empty interface. My issue is that I don't know how to call "services.Configure()" with the scanned classes.
I'm effectively looking for some way of achieving this:
services.Configure(, myScannedType,
options => _config.GetSection(myScannedType.GetName()).Bind(options));
You can use reguto
library to register all appsettings auto.
public class GatewaySettings
//your properties
Register services
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)